Mango cultivation in Amroha - how to increase its productivity
Amroha is the land of mangoes and
it looks mysterious because we
couldn’t understand the relation between mangoes and carps at first instance.
Although Amroha is an ancient place and has rich history but its cultural
revolution taken place in medieval times when Hazrat Syed Sharfuddin Shahwilayat (ra) reached Amroha. He came
from Middle East (Iraq) and instructed (as per folks) that you should go to the
place and reside there where you will find mangoes and carps (rohu fish). No
doubt that he came across many towns and cities before reaching Amroha which
surely have carps and mangoes because in north India you can find mango and
rohu fish at almost every place from Lahore to Punjab to Amroha. Aam and rohu
is very common to most of the towns if not all. So why he choose only Amroha to
live?. Surely there might be some other reasons against this common belief to
reside in Amroha but this is still a mystery and we will speculate it in future
inshallah . Whatever is the reason but now Amroha is famous for mangoes. So
this article is written for mango cultivators of Amroha (recommendations are
general which can be follow at any place in northern India). About carps we
will discuss in some other articles.
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Blooming mango tree |
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Carps - Rohu fish |
old culture of mango cultivation in Amroha
Amroha has more than 100 types
of descripted and non-descripted varieties of mangoes, so its diversity is very
high which make Amroha unique place for mangoes. There are so many fruits in
the world but no other fruit has same value as that of mango. Some people
called it King of Fruits (phalo ka raja). As per my opinion it is absolutely
true and it has some uniqueness and that uniqueness is hidden in its diversity.
Now see this, you eat apple it has same taste whether it is Himachali, Kashmiri
or from United Kingdom, same is true for litchi, chiku or grapes. But when you
eat dusseri you will have absolutely different taste sensation than landga or
chaunsa. Although all are mangoes having same physiology but taste is different
and no mango is superior to other on the basis of taste. All are equally well
and I love this variation. Let us have a look for its commercial value and how
we can improve the productivity.
I am sharing this knowledge - saving mango orchards – a tribute to my father
My farther also loved mangoes
and he had taken orchards on rent during mango blossoming seasons. I loved to went
those orchards along with him on cycle (not less than 15 Km from my home). He
had passion for mangoes, although he hardly made any profits out of it but even
then he always taken mango orchards on rent and use to live there in the nights.
He taught me many practical things about mangoes like how to recognize
variety by looking its shape and size. I was hardly 9 or 10 years old. He suffered
huge losses and my mother scolded him for wasting money year after year. I wish
I could help him to increase the productivity and help him to save his money with my knowledge,
but he is not present today to take my help. But I want to reduce sufferings
of farmers who are passing through same situations.
– Brief account on its present status in India
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is
the choicest fruit of India in terms of not only production but also economic
importance and acceptability by the consumers. It is grown in around 87
countries in the world but nowhere it is as greatly valued as in India where it
covers around 36 per cent of total fruits growing area. Owing to delicious
taste, succulence type and exotic flavour it enjoys the same popularity in the
tropics as apple in the temperate region. India is the largest producer of
choice table varieties of mango in the world. More than 1000 mango varieties
are under cultivation in India, each differing in shape, size and taste. But
the production share of mango in India is quite low (20.3%) with total annual
production of only 15.19 million tons due to low productivity (6.6 tonnes/ha).
Despite India has got excellent export mango varieties (Dashehari, grown in
northern India, Alphonso and Kesar in western India and krishnabhog, Gulabkhas
and Himsagar in eastern India) it
occupies just fourth position in mango export market of the world with Philippines being the first.
Among the different factors
responsible for low productivity and
low export potentiality, physiological
disorders associated with mango is one of the main factor which affects mango
cultivation at all stages,
right from the plants in the nursery to the fruits in storage or transit. These
physiological disorders not only reduce the production efficiency of the tree
but also hamper the fruit quality which is the key factor for export, resulting
huge economic losses to the growers every
year. Therefore, to obtain higher mango production with better quality, utmost
attention must be given to solve the problems of physiological disorders.
of different physiological disorders along with their management strategies are
as follows:
Alternate Bearing: it
means trees give fruits every third year (first, third, fifth like this) This
is one of the most burning problems of mango cultivation as it renders mango cultivation less remunerative
to growers. It causes huge economic burden over farmers and they suffer losses
in the form of land depreciation and product stagnancy.
It signifies the tendency of mango trees to
bear a heavy crop in one year (on year) and very little or no crop in the
succeeding year (off year). Most of the commercial varieties of north
India, namely, Dashehari,
Langra and Chausa are alternate bearers.
Reason: Generally
mango trees when laden with fruits, they do not
produce new shoots.
Even after harvesting, if new shoots are produced, they are negligible in number
and do not flower in the coming year
because new vegetative flush of mango required a certain amount of maturity (8-10 months) for flower bud
can be understand; first year it flowers and gives fruits à in
second year new shoots will be seen in march April à then
in third years it fruits again.
Moreover, when a tree produces
heavy crop in one season, it gets nutritionally
exhausted failing to yield in following season. Besides climatic factors, C/N
(carbohydrate/nitrogen) ratio and hormonal imbalance also play vital role to cause
alteration in bearing in mango.
· Paclobutrazol (PP333) @ 4 g/tree as soil and
foliar spray in September results
early maturation of vegetative flush and commencement of flowering in the
following year.
Deblossoming of some ‘on year’ flowers and pruning (selective
removal of parts of a plant, such as branches, buds,) of the tree just after
harvesting will maintain proper physiological balance between vegetative and reproductive growth and
permit ample amount of sunlight to reach the inner area of the orchard
resulting in better performance of the tree every year. Moreover pruning also
helps to produce some new shoots just after harvesting which may mature in the
next flowering season.
Flowering in ‘off’ year’ can
also be induced by smudging. Smudging in mango is carried out by building slow
fires, emitting smoke under mango tree. Similarly, application of Ethrel can also induce flowering.
Growers who are in primitive stage of mango cultivation
can select cultivars like Amrapali, Mallika, Ratna, Dashehari-51, Pusa Arunima,
Pusa Shrestha, Pusa Pitambar, Pusa Lalima, Pusa Pratibha, Arka Anmol, Arka
Aruna, Arka Puneet, Arka Neelkiran for commercial cultivation as they are regular bearing in nature. Rejuvenation
of old mango tree by grafting or budding
with regular bearing varieties are also recommended to convert the alternate bearing
habit into regular one.
Mango Malformation: It
means improper shape and size of mango which render it less attractive and poor
economic value. During last few decades farmers particularly in northern India facing huge problem due
to this disorder. Although, it was first observed in 1891 in Bihar but now it
is an alarming threat in Punjab, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh.
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Vegetative malformation |
It is mainly of two types: vegetative and floral.
Vegetative malformation is more
common in nursery seedling and in young plants. Malformed vegetative shoots
assume the appearance of bunchy top with narrow scaly leaves. Vegetative buds
growing in cluster, swells and losses the apical dominance. Almost all the
commercial mango cultivars like Bombay Green, Dashehari, Lucknow Safeda and
Chausa show huge susceptibility to this malady, however the cultivar Baramasi
is less affected. Cultivars like Ellaichi, Alib and Bhadauran are totally free from
this disorder but their fruit quality being not superior; their use is limited
to only for resistant breeding not for commercial cultivation. Scientist from different
part of the country reported that a fungi- Fusarium moniliformae var. subglutinans
is highly associated with this disorder. Temperature range of 21-27°C (max.) and 8°C (min.) along
with relative humidity of 85% during late winter or early spring is conducive
for the growth of the fungi, resulting
severe incidence of malformation on newly emerged panicles.
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Floral malformation |
Application of NAA/ Planofix (200ppm) during October, prior to fruit bud differentiation
followed by de-bloosming of newly emerged panicles or bud during January-
February is beneficial to control the disorder.
Spraying of different phenolic compounds like catecal,
cynamic acid, tannic acid during 1st
week of October at 2000 ppm is
equally effective in reducing floral malformation.
Several anti-malformins have
been suggested for beneficial results when sprayed on panicles just after
emergence (4-6 cm). Sprays of glutathione at 2250 ppm, ascorbic acid at 2110 ppm, AgNO3 at 600 ppm have also been found
effective to control the malformation.
Application of nutrients likes P & K and micronutrients especially Zn & B just after harvesting are
quite effective in reducing the incidence of malformation. Application of moderate
amount of N helped to minimize the vegetative malformation while Zn and B helped
in biosynthesis of auxins which ultimately helps to reduce the
incidence of mango malformation.
Removal of just emerged malformed panicles or
vegetative shoots at a distance of 15-20 cm below the point of occurrence is beneficial
to minimize the spread of disorder further.
Black Tip: This malady is widely prevalent in Punjab, Uttar
Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. It causes considerable economic losses to the
growers. Among the commercial cultivars, Dashehari is the highly susceptible one, while
Lucknow Safeda is the least. This disorder has mainly detected in orchards
located in the vicinity of brick kilns.
Gases like carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and
ethylene constituting the fumes of brick kiln, damage
growing tip of fruits and give rise to the symptoms of black tip.
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Black tip of mangoes |
Management Strategies
Establishment of the orchards away from brick
kiln by at least 1.6 km in east to west and 0.8 km in
north to south direction and increasing
the chimney height to at least 15- 18 metres can be preventive measures for
this malady.
Spray 1 per cent borax (10g/lit) thrice first before flowering, second during flowering
and third at fruit set stage is very effective. Moreover, spraying of other alkaline
solutions like caustic soda (0.8%)
or washing soda (0.5%) at pea stage
followed by two more sprays at 15 days interval may neutralize the acidic fumes
of brick kilns, precipitating on the tip of the fruits.
Spongy Tissue: This is
caused because ripening enzymes during
fruit maturation stage become inactive
due to high temperature, convective heat and post harvest exposure of fruit to
sunlight which results in the development of non-edible,
sour, yellowish and sponge like patch
with or without air pocket in the mesocarp of the fruit during ripening.
In extreme cases, the whole fleshy portion becomes too soft resembling bacterial
Harvesting of fruits at 3/4th maturity stage and
post harvest exposure to low temperatures between 10-150C for 10-18 hrs has
been beneficial in reducing the disorder.
Sod culture with Eragrostis (Spartina) cynosuroides,
cover cropping etc. should be used in
the orchard to reduce direct heat radiation from soil which ultimately minimizes
the raise of convective heat from the ground.
Use of black poly-ethylene mulch is recommended for spongy tissue prone orchards.
Resistant varieties for new cultivators like
Ratna, Arka Puneet, Arka Aruna which have Alphonso like character should be planted in the orchard.
Fruit Drop: Despite
initial high fruit set, the ultimate retention is quite low in mango (only 0.1% perfect flowers develop fruit to maturity).
The intensity of fruit drop varies from variety to variety. Among the commercially
grown varieties, Langra is more susceptible to drop while
Dashehari is the least. Fruit drop in mango is classified into
three groups: (i) Pinhead drop, (ii) Post setting drop and (iii) pre-harvest drop (May drop).
The first two drops causes less
economic losses to the growers but the third group is most destructive and
cause huge economic losses to the growers as the fruits totally drop down at
pre-harvesting stage.
The extent of fruit drop in mango can be significantly
reduced by regular
and frequent irrigations during the entire fruit developmental
Orchards should be protected from desiccating winds (Andhi) by
planting wind breaks.
Timely and effective control measures against
major pests and diseases should be adopted.
Growth regulators like NAA and 2,4-D in varying
concentration depending upon the variety and time of application can be sprayed.
The optimum concentration lies between 10- 15 ppm during
the month of April-May.
Clustering (Jhumka): It implies the development of
fruits in clusters at the tip of the panicles
(A panicle is a much-branched inflorescence). Such fruits do not grow beyond pea or marble stage and drop
down after a month of fruit set. Mainly it is due to lack of pollination /
fertilization which may be attributed
to many reasons such as the absence of sufficient population of pollinators in
the orchards (lower bee and butterfly population), indiscriminate spray of
pesticides during flowering, spraying of
synthetic pyrethroids, monoculture and bad weather during flowering.
Clustering of small mangoes at the time of blossom |
Spraying of pesticides during flowering should be avoided. Apart
from this, monoculture in the orchard should be avoided by planting at least
5-6 per cent of other cultivars in new plantations.
Introduction of beehives in the orchards during
flowering season for increasing the number of pollinators.
Internal Fruit Necrosis: It is characterized
by the appearance of dark green colour
in lower half of the fruit followed by browning of the seed and mesocarp
which ultimately turned into brown black
necrotic lesion. It is mainly due to boron deficiency.
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Internal fruit necrosis |
This disorder can be corrected
by soil or foliar
application of boron. For soil application, Borax @ 500 g per tree should be
incorporated at the time of October fertilization. Foliar application of 1 % borax is recommended at the time of fruit set (pea size
stage) followed by two more sprays at 10-15 days interval which will minimize
the disorder to a great extent.
Leaf scorching in mango: The characteristic symptom is
akin to that of potash deficiency i.e. scorching
of old leaves at the tips or margins. The leaves fall down and
consequently, the tree vigour and yield is reduced. It is mainly due to
excess of chloride ions which
render potash unavailability. This disorder is more common in saline soils or where brackish water
is available for irrigation or where muriate of potash is used as a fertilizer
to meet the potash requirement of the plants.
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Leaf scorching in mango |
It can be checked effectively by collecting and
burning the fallen leaves and
using potassium sulphate instead of muriate of potash.
Acute condition can be cured by 4-5 foliar applications
of potassium sulphate on newly emerged
flushes at fortnightly intervals.
all the physiological disorders associated with mango, none is due to a single
factor but all are due to the amalgamation of several factors like genetic factors,
environmental factors, nutritional imbalance, poor cultural practices in the orchard,
etc. So, it is very difficult bring a affected orchard into a healthy orchard
in a single step within one or two years. But proper cultural and management
practices like application of required fertilizers at proper stage, pruning of
some old branches just after harvesting, debloosming of some flower buds during
February-March,application of recommended plant growth regulators at proper
stage etc. can prevent the disorders to a large extent.
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