Prophet Ibrahim (as) and the helping bird… every contribution matters in the eyes of Allah....

Over 5000 years back when Hz. Ibrahim (as) was sent to the people of CANAAN corresponds to the Levant, i.e. modern-day Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, the western part of Jordan and southwestern Syria. Hz. Ibrahim (as) fulfilled all the commandments and trials which God tried him with over his lifetime. As a result of his unwavering faith in God, Hz. Ibrahim (as)  was promised by God to be a leader to all the nations of the world. Hz. Ibrahim (as) embodies the type of the perfect Muslim and the Quran mentions Hz. Ibrahim (as) as a model for mankind.

Hz. Ibrahim (as), was instrumental in cleansing the world of idolatry at the time. Paganism was cleared out by Hz. Ibrahim (as) in both Arabia and Canaan. He spiritually purified both places as well as physically sanctifying the houses of worship.

In his times there was an arrogant and unrighteous ruler named namrood who called himself as God and compel people to worship him. When he heard of Hz. Ibrahim (as) he became angry and issue an order to set up a huge fire in which he wanted to burn Hz. Ibrahim (as).

The decision to have Ibrahim burned at the stake was affirmed by the temple priests and the king of Babylon, namrood. The news spread like fire in the kingdom and people were coming from all places to watch the execution. A huge pit was dug up and a large quantity of wood was piled up. Then the biggest fire people ever witnessed was lit. The flames were so high up in the sky that even the birds could not fly over it for fear of being burnt themselves. Ibrahim's hands and feet were chained, and he was put in a catapult, ready to be thrown in. During this time, Angel Jibreel came to him and said: "O Ibrahim! Is there anything you wish for?" Ibrahim could have asked to be saved from the fire or to be taken away, but Ibrahim replied, "No. I only wish that Allah be pleased with me." The catapult was released and Ibrahim was thrown into the fire. Allah then gave an order to the fire, "O fire! Be coolness and safety for Ibrahim." A miracle occurred; the fire obeyed and burned only his chains. Ibrahim came out from it as if he was coming out from a garden, peaceful, his face illuminated and not a trace of smoke on his clothes. People watched in shock and exclaimed: "Amazing! Ibrahim's God has saved him from the fire!"

In this whole event in which all the big names were involved a small creature also had taken part. She was a small bird. When fire set ablaze she took mouth full of water in her beak and you can imagine how small in quantity it could be. She begins her flight and start moving towards fire in which Hz. Ibrahim (as) was thrown. Her intention was to spill that water over the flame in order to extinguish it. During her flight she was questioned by an angel where are you going and what would you do with this drop of water. She replied that I am going to the fire and spill it over fire; my intention is to save Hz. Ibrahim (as) from fire. Angel smiled and replied, do you really think you would stop fire by this mere drop of water.  The bird replied that i dont know whether this is enough or not but this is my whole capacity what i could able to do and on the day of judgement when Allah will question me that what i had done to extinguish the fire in which the Hz. Ibrahim (as) was thrown then i can reply that i had tried my best. She said, “I am sure Allah will not ask me whether I managed to put out the fire or not, but Allah will ask what I did to stop the fire”. As I can bring only that much of water so I am doing my work. The fact was that the fire wouldn’t get any colder but at least her drop of water, her responsibility, and her contributions were there.

There are 2 morals from the story:

1.       Allah will never ask about the results whether you achieved the targets or not he will ask whether you make sincere efforts or not towards his orders. Whether you support right cause or not.

2.      By bringing water in her beak bird tell the world that she was not on the side of namrood but along with Hz. Ibrahim (as). She was on the right side.


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