Reality of Facebook - For what facebook made?

It used to be mainly commercials that made us feel incomplete — dangling something seemingly essential just beyond our reach. Now, in  addition to traditional ads, social media inundates us with lifestyle  advertising from our friends, who insidiously insist on showing off the good times, at all times. Of course, those good times may not actually  be as good as they look.

A new short film called What's On Your Mind? illuminates some of the problems with being hyper-aware of what your friends are up to. Taking its name from the question at the heart of the status update field on Facebook, the film begins with a man comparing the forever-unfurling highlight reel on his computer screen to the comparatively drab confines of a night in with his girlfriend. Everything he sees devalues his reality, eventually driving him to just make some shit up in order to seem less lame—to himself, as well as to anyone who might be paying attention. He is validated in return, with a substantial number of "likes." From here on, the differences between what's actually happening and "what's on your mind?" begin snowballing, in ways that range from subtle lies to wholesale fabrications.


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