Income Pattern of Families in Amroha - Economy of Amroha

Economy of Amroha is closely intricate with the private market based dynamics. There are no/least employment/jobs in Amroha as there are no industries in and around the city. Most of the people earn their bread by sales of various commodities like vegetables, fruits, meat, clothes and similar things. Similarly, they are also providing services like saloon, electrician, plumber etc. No doubt that these services are essential to keep economy moving by providing essential daily perks to skill less people. But lack of industries has created a revenue vacuum and as a result consumer based middle class society which drive the commodity market is internally absent in Amroha but only two rungs are present either poor or rich. Than how money comes to Amroha to feed its local markets could be the next question. Answer is that the most of the working population of Amroha migrates to Delhi and other cities or even gulf to earn money. Very less number of these people did any professional course or has any vocational education. From there they send money to their homes or bring money to spend in amroha.  In this situation when people moved away from Amroha will get educate their children at their places where good schools are available. But the people who don’t have any means of migration either due to lack of skills or awareness they forced to live sedentary life in the city. Their motivation level is least and they don’t bother about the quality education of their children because parents never realize the demand of outer competitive world. Again these children either leave studies in between or do some non-professional course and again stuck into the vicious cycle of unemployment. Although, we can see that driving force for quality education is still there due presence of social media in the scene but lack of proper guidance and awareness and poor resource availability at primary level will not allow the situation to improve. Opening of school in which under privileged students are given importance will be highly desirable step in this direction.

It can be argued that Amroha is already flooded with primary and secondary level schools than what the fun in opening of new school is, it will just add misery to despair. But it is not at all correct. Taking experiences from the past history of these schools and interviews with pass out students who are facing difficulty in the field will be the prime guidance criteria during appointment of school management, teachers and students. Political interference will be minimum and performance of individual will be the sole criteria whether it would be teacher, student or principal. 


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