Population of Amroha

Total population of Amroha dist. (including villages and towns) is 1,840,221 as per provisional estimates of 2011 census. Number of males and females are 963,449 and 876,772 respectively with a sex ratio of 906. Percentage decadal growth rate between years 2001 - 2011 was estimated as 22.66% which is approx. 1.5% higher than average growth rate of UP 20.09%. Population density was calculated as 818 which is lower than UP’s average. Child population of Amroha between age group 0-6 years is 291,320 with the sex ratio of 898 that is lower to UP’s average 912. The compound literacy rate of Amroha is 65.7%. Male literacy rate (76.53%) is dramatically high than females (53.77%). As per provisional reports of Census India, population of Amroha city in 2011 is 197,135; of which male and female are 102,804 and 94,331 respectively. Total literates in Amroha city are 108,772 of which 60,621 are males while 48,151 are females. Amroha is at far lower rung of literacy than national average of 74%.


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