Amroha - Strong strings of values and discipline

I am creating this blog to connect those people who are related to amroha and witness its vast cultural diversity and rich history of brotherhood. Every person who is related with this city has some unique reason for his/her association with amroha. Many people came from abroad every year to refresh their memories  and to take pride that they belongs to the city of Syed Sharffudin Shah Wilayat Sahab who came to India in late medieval times. He established the syed sadaat in amroha with the holistic vision of creating awareness about Almighty and his appointed Prophet and his progeny among the local tribes. He had done a wonderful job and give community new direction to lay down new social fabric. After many years Muharram juloos had been started by some anonymous personality. It was the turning point in the history which was going to shape the whole cultural setup in developing amroha sadaat. Since 400 years of azadari we have changed a lot with changing social and cultural values. Industrialized world, new technology and capitalistic nations brings new challenges before us. Technology changed the world if we will not keep pace with the changing environment than we will be perished. Azadari has got new requirements and facing new problems due to defamation of Islam by western powers. We should understand our new responsibilities and challenges which are necessary to keep peace and harmony in the society. We should not allow the separatist powers to lead us in any way.

Grave of Syed Sharfuddin Shawilayat (RA) 


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